September 6, 2013

Flowers from Florida

Because life has been slow here lately. Actually, I'm not altogether certain that that's a negative statement. Just plain routine is nice sometimes. Truth be told, I haven't gotten much crocheting done. However, I have branched out into souffle making, which I think is a very enjoyable activity. Of course that is assuming you remember to compensate for time when using ovens that do not get as hot as they claim to do, otherwise unwittingly premature door-opening can cause deflation. But whether you end up with a beautiful and delicious cheese souffle or something resembling a chocolate omelet, the preparation is still fun.

But, to get back to the flowers, Madame Millefeuilles is giving away a delightful rabbit named Mademoiselle Flower Meadow. So if you like handmade items, adorable animals, or vintage lace, I suggest you pay her a visit.

Isn't she charming? Image copyright Stephanie of Millefeuilles.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, it's years since I made a nice cheese soufflé ... now there's a thought!

    Pretty, pretty flowers :)


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