July 10, 2013

Return of the neglected doily

I haven't been crocheting very much this past week or so, though I have another project planned that will probably push this one out of the way again. Poor little doily. But a lady I know is having a baby in a few months, and I want to make a pair of booties. I have the yarn, but the pattern I had picked turned out to be a dud. In the meantime, I am back in the land of thread.

You can see what I've been reading there also, I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. A friend sent it to me for my birthday and it is absolutely enchanting. I think I could just read it over and over again.

And it is all photographed on the piano because... piano.


Linking today with Ginny's yarn along.


  1. Anonymous11/7/13

    Have you tried this pattern here for baby booties? http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/babys-booties-knit I have knitted a few of these as gifts by now and even though the first one was a bit tricky this is a very good and lovely pattern, I think.

    1. I looked at the pictures and they are absolutely adorable! But I can't knit. (Insert heartfelt sigh here.) I shall remember it though, for that glorious day when I become craft-bilingual. And thanks so much, I really appreciate it.

  2. I envy your crocheting with thread. I have tried it several times and just don't like it. I inherited a bunch of unmarked thread balls and every so often I attempt a doily. I have made a few successes. I love your yellow doily.

  3. That is such a pretty sunshine colour


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