July 16, 2013

On days like today...


 We only have three seasons here in Florida: hot, hotter-and-wet, and mostly-warm-but-occasionally-chilly. Though I do like rain, I never realized before how difficult it is to photograph. Post-rainstorm pictures are simple enough, but I tried and tried to get a decent photo of it actually raining. That last one is the only one I could get that is close to what I wanted, and between the naturally-tilted tree and the slanted rain, it looks crooked.

But on days like today I prefer to get the dull but necessary tasks out of the way, because they are perfect for sitting down with Dickens and a cup of tea. Or trying to put all the patterns you want to use in some sort of chronological order. Or playing this song on the piano.

I hope you are all having a pleasant week.

July 10, 2013

Return of the neglected doily

I haven't been crocheting very much this past week or so, though I have another project planned that will probably push this one out of the way again. Poor little doily. But a lady I know is having a baby in a few months, and I want to make a pair of booties. I have the yarn, but the pattern I had picked turned out to be a dud. In the meantime, I am back in the land of thread.

You can see what I've been reading there also, I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. A friend sent it to me for my birthday and it is absolutely enchanting. I think I could just read it over and over again.

And it is all photographed on the piano because... piano.


Linking today with Ginny's yarn along.

July 3, 2013


Falling back on flowers again.

"Blessed is he who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact."
-George Eliot