January 6, 2014

Non-resolutions, and a bonnet

Well. Happy New Year. We made it through another one, didn't we, and here we all are moving on. So, what to do here, I wonder. Because the thing is, I've spent most of my time so far trying to figure out what it is that I do best about the whole blogging thing. Mostly it was a futile quest, since all I ended up with was motley, and sundry bits of unimportance that I thought were pretty anyway.

Yet I like doing it, even though the result is often not as good as one would hope. My goal for this year is to get better. (Specific, aren't I?) The details aren't there yet; I haven't quite gotten it sorted. (Anything resembling a new year's resolution scares me a bit. I haven't tried one in ages. I'm rather a failure that way.) I want to change the look a bit, more of a makeover than plastic surgery because I don't dare get too wild. Honestly though, if you please, what do you think?

I was about to point out that this is a baby bonnet, as if no one could tell. It was made as a gift for a new baby at my church, Adelina. I couldn't find a pattern that I liked, except one that came in a book with a bunch of other patterns that were either rubbish or knitting, so I improvised. It is quite simple really, a rectangle stitched together at the back and an edge of shell stitch. (Though I must admit to feeling rather proud of the texture.) It looks even more adorable on her, to no surprise. She's a cute one.